Miraroad(East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India +91 8454982908 contact@optimumfuture.in
Search Methodology

Search Methodology - Our selection process is based on a structured and systematic approach, which is proactive, detailed and target-oriented. This process begins with understanding the client's needs and goes all the way to post recruitment follow-up with both client and candidate. The key principles of our search methodology focus on:

  • Understanding - The client organization with regard to existing business activities, organization structure & culture and future growth plan.
  • Mapping / Search Target Plan - position specific competencies including job title, deliverables, principal accountabilities, key result areas and other relevant details. Keeping in mind the orientation, our engagement team will establish and execute a search strategy to effectively target desired candidates
  • Industry / Company - We will develop a target list of appropriate industries and/or companies from which to recruit and identify appropriate levels within those companies that we should target
  • People Mapping - Once the target industry/company list is agreed upon, we will utilize our sources and networks along with our database to develop an initial candidate list.
Screen Methodology

Screen Methodology - Screening involves reviewing resumes / CVs, conducting video or phone interviews and then identifying the top candidates. It is done in two ways:

  • CV Screening - Initially we screen the CV of the candidates and the most promising of them will be presented as a list of people we intend to approach.
  • Screening on Call - Once we have determined a mutual interest in pursuing specific candidates, we will contact them, apprise them of the opportunity and elicit their interest in the position. We will then evaluate them with the aim of determining a profile match with the job and understand the suitability & interest of candidates. In addition to personal interviews, we meet up with the candidates as well, if required.
  • Short List Generation - Based on our screening, we prepare a pool of shortlisted candidates to be shared to the client.
  • Interviews - For the most appropriate candidates, we prepare a specific set of details and evaluation summary to facilitate the interview process. On receiving feedback from the candidates and the client, we work along with the client from drawing up a final shortlisting till the candidate’s joining
  • Reference Check - To be done by Employer
  • Post joining follow-up for a long term to ensure smooth transition for clients as well as for candidates stability.

Optimum Future

Optimum Future, a swiftly growing recruitment consulting firm, is a platform where aspiring candidates can rely on us and be assured to get the best and rewarding option suiting your profile.

Get In Touch

Kanakia, Beverly Park, Miraroad(East), Mumbai - 401107, Maharashtra, India


+91 8454982908

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